Monday, April 28, 2008

Practicing Hospitality

For many, the far-flung village of Glenville is a holiday destination.

Nestled in the Appalachian mountains Glenville is home to the highest (3492 feet) large body of water in the Eastern US.  It has unique history.  The climate is near perfect.  The mountains are peaceful and beautiful.  The skies are bluer than blue.  The lake offers limitless outdoor fun. How could it not be inviting to people!

For my family, Glenville is simply home.

Yet, it is great when holiday destination and home intertwine.  It provides unique opportunity for hospitality.  And this practice of hospitality is important for my family of three.  It is at the core of our lives together--our lives in ministry--our lives of faith.

I understand hospitality to mean having a welcoming spirit and being open to others.  If we are hospitable, we are willing to set ourselves aside for someone else.  It often demands generosity, selflessness, and maybe even sacrifice.

I intentionally make every effort to claim this spirit of hospitality not just because it is a nice thing to do.  I seek to be hospitable because I identify myself through God's narrative, a narrative of openness, generosity, selflessness, and yes sacrifice.

Admittedly, these characteristics of hospitality don't just happen.  We may be given through God's grace the mind and eyes to know, but it really takes practice to be open, generous, and selfless.  Ultimately, when this grace and practice find rhythm together, setting oneself aside for another becomes a privilege and a gift.

My family experiences this giftedness when we are able to offer hospitality, especially in our Glenville home.  We will joyfully host several sets of visitors in Glenville in the coming weeks, and so we will offer hospitality a little bit more in this mountain destination.  We certainly want to stay in good practice.  We want to hone our skills.  We want to ready ourselves for the next destination spot that will become our home.  And I am so excited!!

I am excited for my life to bear witness to the hospitable character of God, but I am also excited about the opportunity to extend hospitality to family and friends in England!  What a privilege and a gift this will be!


wspivey said...

Beautiful thought!!!!!