Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Champion of Change

My days are filled with the truth of change.

My husband and I are noticing the effects of change. We learned that we would be able to live a dream and move to England.

Cashiers United Methodist Church is noticing the effects of change. I announced my departure, and my colleague announced his six-week sabbatical.

The Wesley Foundation is noticing the effects of change. My husband and the students are anticipating the close of this semester and the inevitable goodbyes.

My two year old daughter is noticing the effects of change. Just days ago she began the new journey of night time sleep without her pacifiers.

In the midst of it all, my daughter is undoubtedly the champion of change.

To be very honest, I am not sure who misses the pacifiers more, my daughter or her mother.

My own separation anxiety does not arise out of the minimal restlessness at night in the time before sleep; instead, it finds its way through my not too distant memories (last weekend in fact) of that little mouth and those little hands clutching those little pacies.

Admittedly, I shed tears even thinking about it. I recall the constant and careful rotation, as we would sit and read. From right hand to mouth to left hand and back again, the pacies would move as if on an amusement park ride. Yes, tears. But, tears of joy and new life.

Somehow the changes in life for me, as monumental as they really may be, pale in comparison when seeing through little girl eyes--when remembering the goodness of pacifiers. I am a grateful mother. And my daughter is truly the champion of change!


wspivey said...

This brought tears to my eyes!!!

Anonymous said...

In Denmark this past summer, I saw a pacifier tree in a park. Mothers and fathers take their children, who have "grown out" of their pacifier, to the tree. Ceremoniously, as a family, they hang their pacies (sp?) on the tree to symbolize the movement from one way of life to another. The tree was full of all colors and kinds of pacifiers! It was amazing and touching to see this milestone in life left for all to see.

Amy said...

What a fantastic gesture of life and journey, especially since the little pacies of our household are hidden away in the depths of a kitchen drawer. Thank you for sharing the beautiful image of the pacifier tree!