Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day Fog...

The first day fog extended well beyond the first day...

Following six days in England, I finally feel as though the fog has lifted.  The initial few days brought a delicate balance of new adventures and new challenges, and we have been both excited and exhausted.

We shared the excitement of searching, choosing, and acquiring an automobile, and we may now add Vauxhall to our list of personal vehicles.  The Vauxhall (with four happy passengers) has already found its way to the New Forest and to south Wales!  We have enjoyed most of all the joyful exploration that comes with a toddler and ancient ruins!  And this has opened the door for the promise of many adventures to come!

We endured the exhaustion from toddler jet lag, and now we can say that we have jumped the dreaded hurdle (hence the challenges!).  We faced a few days of early morning bedtimes and sleep deprivation, feeling the temporary strain on the heart and the mind.  But, thank goodness we have begun to claim great victory in a 9:15 p.m. bedtime.  This certainly helps the day to day adventures!  (More about these in coming posts.)

We have come a long way in six days--beyond the fog and the jet lag.  And we have willingly opened our lives up to further adventures and probably further challenges too!