Thursday, May 29, 2008

Journey Stones

"So these stones shall be to the Israelites a memorial forever." (Joshua 4:7c)

As I approached the crest of Mt. Battie in Camden Hills State Park off the coast of Maine (after a moderate climb), I stopped to observe and to photograph the stacked stones.

I realize that such monuments are often memorials for persons who have met untimely death while mountain climbing and yet these simple stacks are probably just symbols.  But, I also realize that stacked stones are a way for the people of God to remember the faithful activity of God in their lives.  And so I stopped to remember...

Joshua led the people of God across the Jordon river, and they stopped.  They gathered stones and stacked them as a memorial to God.  In response to their faithful God, it was important that they never forget.

I stood still in my tracks by the stacked stones and remembered.  As I gazed out at the boat-speckled harbor in the distance, I remembered.  My eyes reached for the islands in the horizon, and I remembered.  With the dramatic beauty of creation before me and the joy of family vacation all around, I couldn't help but remember the faithful activity of God.

At the close of wonderful holiday week in Maine, I am grateful to have had time to relax, time for new experiences, and time to reconnect with my husband, daughter, parents, sister, and brother-in-law.  Most of all, I am thankful to have been able to remember--to remember that life is filled with gifts.  And these gifts bring undeniable joy!

I not only stopped to observe the stacked stones at the top of Mt. Battie, but my husband and I formed a new stack.  We claimed the practice of remembering not only in our thoughts but in our gestures.  And maybe our journey stones will help someone else remember too!