Monday, September 22, 2008

Get to Know the New Minister

The youth group at Thatcham Methodist Church sent me a list of questions so that I could introduce myself to them.  I think that they are fun and insightful and worth sharing!!

What Is Your Favourite Meal?
My favourite meal will not involve meat, as I am a vegetarian, but it most likely will involve some sort of rice. I really enjoy a creamy, cheesy risotto because I don’t make it or get it very often!

Are you musical?  Do you play any instruments?
I played piano and alto saxophone when I was much younger and, unfortunately, have not honed these skills for many years.

Do you know any parts of UK and do you have any favourite places?
I previously lived in St. Andrews for two years, so I am somewhat familiar with Scotland. I would definitely count St. Andrews and Edinburgh as favourites. I explored a fair bit of Scotland in the south, along the isles of Skye and Mull, and into the Highlands, but I hope to go to northern Scotland while I am living here again. I have seen some of the Lake District, London, the Cotswolds, and Wales, as I travelled along obvious American tourist routes, but I am looking forward to seeing much more. (If you have any suggestions of your own favourites, please offer them!)

What do you think of the English weather?
Admittedly, I would have hoped for a bit more sun in August when we arrived but have been very pleased with the sunshine that has come with September. With that said, I am very happy with the cooler temperatures (as it is very hot in the summer where I come from in North Carolina). I would count English weather as a prominent part of the experience of my living in England, so I will take it as it comes.

Do you like animals?  Have you any pets?
For the past seven years, I have had two orange tabby cats—Cupar and Pumpkin George. They are now living in new homes in North Carolina.

Do you have any brothers and sisters?  Do you come from a big family?  How do you feel leaving them behind?
I come from a family of four with my parents and one sibling. My parents live in High Point, North Carolina, the town where I grew up. My sister is two and a half years older than me, and she lives with her husband in New York City. It was a very difficult decision that we would move so far away from family.  But we felt strongly about the opportunity, and we trust that the trade-offs will be very exciting and worthwhile.

Are you sporty? Do you play and sports?
I am an active person, but I do not really play any organized sports. I enjoy walking, working out, and playing with my very active two and a half year old daughter.

What will you miss in America the most (apart from your family)?
Very simply…I will miss Mexican food and watching the television comedy show for which my sister is a writer (Saturday Night Live).


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you'd played the sax! Very cool!